Get Your Brakes Working Like New

Get Your Brakes Working Like New

Come in for our brake repair service in Bozeman, MT

Having trouble braking? Farr Automotive Specialists, Inc offers brake repair services in Bozeman, MT. Your brakes will work like new by the time we're done.

We also provide brake maintenance to keep them in good condition. This includes a brake flush service that prevents water and other materials from damaging the system. You can count on us to help you avoid needing brake replacements for as long as possible.

Contact us at 406-587-8781 to schedule our brake maintenance service today.

Recognize when you need brake repairs

You might need our brake repair services if you:

  • Notice vibration when you brake
  • Feel the car pulling to one side
  • Hear a grinding sound while braking

If you notice any of these signs, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Call now to learn more about our brake repair service in Bozeman, MT.